Postes erguidos, guardianes del ayer,
Placas numeradas, troncos de días olvidados,
En viaje etéreo, sin fin, me envuelven,
Cada número, eco de historias entrelazadas.
Recuerdos despiertan, danzan en el aire,
Ciudad, reloj de memorias, gracia y misterio,
Calles susurran secretos en esquinas ocultas,
Postes de madera, mudos testigos del devenir,
En sus números, hallar el latido de la ciudad,
Que me lleva al tiempo, como río que fluye sin cesar. "
Stop motion and poem by
Alejandrina Hernández
Upright posts, guardians of yesterday,
Numbered plates, logs of forgotten days,
In an ethereal journey, endless, they envelop me,
Each number, an echo of intertwined stories.
Memories awaken, dance in the air,
City, a clock of memories, grace, and mystery,
Streets whisper secrets in hidden corners,
Wooden posts, silent witnesses of change,
In their numbers, finding the heartbeat of the city,
That carries me through time, like an ever-flowing river.
Alejandrina Hernandez Zavarce, a Venezuelan-Canadian, graduated in Technical Industrial Design from Dawson College in Montreal, Canada. She is a third-year student in Industrial Design at ECAL (Cantonal School of Art and Design) in Lausanne, Switzerland.
This Shawinigan Water and Power Company sign indicates the voltage and warns the public of the risk of electricity-related accidents.
Circle signs usually has the year the pole was erected.